Girl Picture (2022)
 "Girl Picture" is a 2022 Finnish movie directed by Alli Haapasalo that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in the World Cinema: Dramatic Competition. The film is about three teenage girls, played by Eleonoora Kauhanen, Aamu Milonoff, and Linnea Leino, who navigate their passions and desires as they pursue their dreams of becoming filmmakers. The movie is described as a swooning ride of teen passion that captures the emotions and experiences of young adulthood with honesty and positive energy [3]. The strong central performances of the three leads and the film's focus on passion are noted as its key attractions [2]. "Girl Picture" offers a fresh take on teenage romance and self-discovery that is both poignant and entertaining [1]. 
 "Girl Picture" (Finnish: Tytöt tytöt tytöt) is a 2022 Finnish coming-of-age film directed by Alli Haapasalo, written by Ilona Ahti and Daniela Hakulinen, and released on April 14, 2022, in Finland [1]. The movie centers around two best friends, Mimmi (Aamu Milonoff) and Rönkkö (Eleonoora Kauhanen), who are on the verge of adulthood and trying to find their place in the world. They share a passion for filmmaking and decide to make a movie together. Throughout the film, the girls explore their sexuality, relationships, and creative ambitions. They meet a third girl, Vilma (Linnea Leino), who joins their film project and brings a fresh perspective to their work. As they work on their movie, the three girls bond and share intimate moments, creating a complex web of desire and emotion that drives the film's narrative. The film tackles themes of self-discovery, identity, and the power of female friendship. Mimmi and Rönkkö's friendship is the heart of the story, and their bond is tested as they confront their feelings for each other. The movie portrays their relationship with nuance and sensitivity, exploring the complexities of same-sex desire and the struggles of coming out in a conservative society. "Girl Picture" is a visually stunning film that captures the beauty and mystery of adolescence. The cinematography by Mika Orasmaa is breathtaking, using vivid colors and dreamlike imagery to create a sense of enchantment and wonder. The movie's soundtrack, which features songs by Finnish indie artists such as Have You Ever Seen the Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS? and Litku Klemetti, complements the film's mood and adds to its overall impact. The film premiered at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival, where it won the Audience Award in the World Dramatic Competition [1]. It was highly praised by critics for its performances, direction, and emotional resonance. Aamu Milonoff and Eleonoora Kauhanen's performances as Mimmi and Rönkkö, respectively, were particularly lauded for their depth and authenticity [2]. Overall, "Girl Picture" is a powerful and moving film that captures the essence of youth and the struggles of growing up in a changing world. It's a film about friendship, love, and creativity that speaks to audiences of all ages and backgrounds. With its stunning visuals, heartfelt performances, and universal themes, it's no surprise that "Girl Picture" has become one of the most acclaimed films of the year.
Actor : Linnea Leino, Aamu Milonoff, Eleonoora Kauhanen, Bruno Baer, Amos Brotherus, Oona Airola, Sonya Lindfors, Cécile Orblin, Mikko Kauppila, Nicky Laaguid, Oksana Lommi, Elias Westerberg, Pietu Wikström, Fathi Ahmed, Pablo Ounaskari, Rebekka Kuukka, Tuuli Heinonen, Henrikki Haavisto, Yasmin Najjar, Yassin Ei Sayed, Lauri Nousiainen Director : Alli Haapasalo Release : 2022-04-14 Country : Finland Views:125 2354 Tagline: The epic conclusion of the Jurassic era. Rate: PG-13 Language: English, Français, Malti Budget: $ 16.456.789,00 Revenue: $ 213.456.789,00
1h 40m