You Have to Come and See It (2022)


The movie revolves around a group of friends who reunite in the countryside after many years apart. Throughout the film, they reminisce about the past, discuss their present lives, and reflect on their future. The plot unfolds slowly and is not driven by a specific conflict or event but rather by the characters' interactions and dialogues. "You Have to Come and See It" has received positive reviews for its honest and relatable portrayal of friendships and growing older [1]. The film's runtime is only slightly over an hour, but it manages to capture the essence of its characters and their relationships in a profound and subtle manner.


 "You Have to Come and See It" is a 2022 Spanish film directed and written by Jonás Trueba. The movie revolves around a group of friends who reunite in the countryside after many years apart. The film begins with Irene (Itsaso Arana) arriving at a secluded house in the mountains, where her old friends are waiting for her. She is warmly welcomed by the group, which includes her ex-boyfriend Iván (Vito Sanz), her childhood friend Carmen (Irene Escolar), and her brother Jorge (Francesco Carril), among others. As the group spends time together, they reminisce about their past and discuss their present lives. They talk about their jobs, their relationships, and their aspirations, revealing how their lives have changed since they last saw each other. Throughout the film, the characters engage in philosophical conversations, discussing the meaning of life, art, and love. They also share personal anecdotes, revealing their vulnerabilities and fears. Through their interactions, the film explores the complexities of human relationships, the challenges of growing older, and the search for purpose and happiness. One of the most striking aspects of the film is its slow pace and minimalist approach to storytelling. The plot is not driven by a specific conflict or event but rather by the characters' interactions and dialogues. The film's focus on the everyday and the mundane makes it feel intimate and authentic, and allows the audience to fully immerse themselves in the characters' world. Despite its quiet and contemplative nature, the film is not without moments of humor and levity. The characters tease each other, play games, and enjoy each other's company, creating a sense of warmth and camaraderie that is infectious. As the weekend draws to a close, the characters must confront the reality of their lives and their relationships. They realize that time has passed them by, and that they may never be able to recapture the closeness they once shared. However, they also recognize the value of their friendships and the importance of staying connected, no matter how far apart they may be. "You Have to Come and See It" has been praised for its honest and relatable portrayal of friendships and growing older. The film's runtime is only slightly over an hour, but it manages to capture the essence of its characters and their relationships in a profound and subtle manner. The performances of the cast are exceptional, with each actor bringing nuance and depth to their roles. Itsaso Arana is particularly impressive as Irene, conveying a sense of vulnerability and introspection that is central to the film's themes. In conclusion, "You Have to Come and See It" is a beautiful and poignant film that explores the complexities of human relationships with honesty and sensitivity. Its minimalist approach to storytelling, combined with its exceptional cast and thoughtful script, makes it a must-see for anyone who appreciates thoughtful and introspective cinema.
Actor : Itsaso AranaFrancesco CarrilChano Domínguez Director : Jonás Trueba Release : 2022 Country : United States of America Views: 2354 Tagline: The epic conclusion of the Jurassic era. Rate: PG-13 Language: English, Français, Malti Budget: $ 123.456.789,00 Revenue: $ 123.456.789,00
1h 4m